The house by the lake was built in the 1930s

All building materials were transported across the lake by boat at the time. The road on the southern shore was in poor condition and too far away.


It is one of five identical houses that gave the small settlement the name "Fünfhausen". Of the original five, only two remain in their charming, authentic state.

 The HOUSE BY THE LAKE is one of them.


In 1955, the current owners, a family from Salzburg, purchased the house from its previous owner, a resident of Villach.

In 1998, the flooring was renovated, and terracotta tiles laid.

In 1999, a small shower facility was added.

In 2020, the wooden panelling in the downstairs veranda was renewed.

In 2023, a wooden extension was added to the rear of the house, creating a modern bathroom equipped with a shower, wash basin and floor heating.


The building materials harken back to a bygone era.

The House has a brick foundation, the ground floor walls are plastered Heraklith, the first floor is made of wood and the roof is covered with red tiles.


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